The dairy industry is the fastest-growing segment of Kansas Agriculture
Kansas Dairy Association
The Kansas Dairy Association (KDA) primarily focuses on legislative issues that affect the Kansas dairy industry. We use a professional lobbyist in Topeka to monitor issues that affect Kansas dairymen and the Kansas dairy industry.
From time to time, and when necessary, we may introduce legislation. These decisions are made and directed by the KDA board of directors. They meet three to four times a year to hear reports and discuss issues affecting Kansas dairymen. When doing this, we always seek support from other agricultural groups within the state.
At times, the KDA board may feel it necessary to be involved in national dairy issues. We then work with our State Congressional Representatives and Senators and/or the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF).
The Kansas Dairy Association is funded through two primary sources. We offer associate memberships to individuals and businesses who desire to support our endeavors.
At the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, KDA operates an ice cream stand. Profits from this project also fund the Association.
The Kansas Dairy Association is involved in other statewide activities as well, often partnering with the Kansas Dairy Commission (KDC). More information about the programs and activities of KDA can be found below.
Programs and Activities
One of the most important activities for KDA is having a presence in the state legislature. Kansas Dairy Association uses the services of Tom Bruno and Associates to daily monitor activity in the legislature. This includes the monitoring of bills that have direct or indirect effects on Kansas dairymen and/or the Kansas Dairy industry. From time to time KDA will introduce bills on behalf of Kansas dairymen and the state dairy industry.
Tom Bruno
Bruno & Associates
800 SW Jackson, Ste. 914
Topeka, KS 66612
Office: (785) 354-8172
Cell: (785) 633-2127
E-mail: kslobby@cox.net -
The dairy industry in Kansas is as diverse as the climate and population, east to west. The Association brings dairy farmers from all regions, marketing relationships, promotional check-offs, and breed affiliations together.
The Association, in partnership with the Kansas Dairy Commission, seeks opportunities to unite the Kansas dairy industry for the benefit of dairy farmers and allied industries across the region.
KDA operates a concession stand at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. The main menu item is ice cream. For years, this stand ranks as one of the most popular food stands on the fairgrounds. The profit from this stand goes towards funding activities of KDA. It also provides an opportunity to promote the dairy industry.
Become a Member
Individuals and Businesses may join the Kansas Dairy Association as members to help strengthen our activities in the state and provide input to this dynamic and growing industry. To join the Kansas Dairy Association as a member, complete our membership form.