New Support for K-State Dairy Teaching and Research Center

dairy cows in pen

Legislature Approves Funding for K-State Dairy Teaching and Research Center

The Kansas Legislature approved funding to rebuild the K-State Dairy Teaching & Research Center as part of the omnibus budget bill April 30, 2024, before adjournment.

The Senate passed the budget, including language to fund rebuilding the dairy, with a vote of 22-11.

The house – after a brief time to take shelter during a tornado warning – returned to pass the budget 72-48.

The language in the budget funds the modernization of the K-State Dairy through $34 million bonding with another 15% match to complete the project. The budget advances to the Governor for her approval.

A full legislative summary will be included in the next issue of The Dairy Dispatch.

K-State Livestock Meat Industry Council Supports New Dairy Unit

The Livestock Meat Industry Council Inc. (LMIC) announced that it is committing $250,000 over the next five years to support the building of a new dairy facility at Kansas State University.

This facility would be focused on educating students and training future employees for the dairy industry as well as enhancing research and extension capabilities in K-State’s Animal Science and Industry Department (ASI).

The current dairy facility, K-State’s Dairy Teaching and Research Center (DTRC), was built in 1977 and has been home to research and teaching of dairy nutrition, reproduction, health, housing and management.

“The unit provides hands-on experience and research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students,” says Dr. Mike Day, ASI department head.

“We’re fortunate to have it located close to campus so our students and faculty have easy access to facilities, technology and training that prepares them for work in the dairy industry. Students are involved in various aspects of the dairy operation, including milking, feeding, maintenance, health and wellness, data analysis, and research projects. Today our unit is facing many challenges due to the aging facilities.”

Bill Miller, LMIC president at the time of the announcement, explains, “LMIC is ASI’s advisory council and is comprised of leaders across all of the animal agriculture industries in Kansas. The Council recognized the importance of developing a modern, cutting-edge dairy to support the department’s teaching, research, and extension missions. This significant investment will help advance a project that will increase ASI’s capacity to educate students to produce future employees for the dairy industry and to train the next generation of dairy scientists. We are excited to see this effort come to fruition.”


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