Kansas State University Dairy Update
Kansas State University and the Kansas Board of Regents are committed to continue their century old support of the Kansas dairy industry through the announcement of the rebuilding of the KSU Dairy Teaching and Research Unit.
The new dairy center will replace aging facilities that have reached their end of service life and will bolster teaching, research and extension, and milk production capabilities, reinforcing the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry’s position as a national and global leader in dairy science.
The existing main office and milk parlor were constructed in 1977 and house approximately 300 cows and 300 replacement heifers. The building is in poor condition and rated beyond useful life by the VFA 2023 facilities assessment overview.
This new 112,000-square-foot freestall barn, along with a 10,313-square-foot milking parlor, a 3,600-square-foot milk transfer wing, a 3,600-square-foot classroom wing and a new heifer development facility will allow K-State to provide additional support to the Kansas dairy industry by developing people and tackling emerging questions in dairy nutrition, reproduction, and management.
The new dairy center will include a milking parlor and production support facility, free stall barn, solids separation building, heifer barn and relocated calf management unit.
The center will be co-located with the existing dairy teaching and research facilities on the north end of the Manhattan campus.
Total cost of the project including the demolition of the existing dairy and new construction is estimated to be $43 million. The project will be funded through a combination of state, philanthropic and industry partner gifts.
The Kansas Dairy Commission began a financial commitment to support the dairy project 12 years ago, growing that pledge to $500,000 of dairy farmer dollars.
The Kansas Dairy Association continues to prioritize this project for the upcoming legislative session.