Dairy producers helping to grow our industry

Kansas Dairy Commission

The Kansas Dairy Commission (KDC) is a statewide commodity checkoff program for Kansas dairy producers.

There are three primary areas in which these promotion dollars are used: research, education, and information. An insight into the activities we facilitate across the state can be found under "Programs and Activities" below. 

KDC tries to maximize our resources by partnering with other groups and organizations on various programs and projects within the state.

Midwest Dairy Association and Southwest Dairy Farmers are two larger dairy promotion organizations we frequently work with on activities.

Dairy cows eating in dairy barn
Calves at a dairy farm outside in winter

Programs and Activities

  • KDC is extremely active and involved at the State Fair, where there is the potential to reach over 300,000 people in a 10-day period. One of the most popular exhibits is Agriland. KDC partners with the Kansas Department of Agriculture and other commodity groups across the state to provide a fun and educational experience. Kids and adults have the opportunity to experience and learn about where their food comes from. "Maybelle" is a life-sized model of a dairy cow and can be "hand milked." She is the center of attraction.

    Midwest Dairy Association and Kansas Farm Bureau team with KDC at the Farm Bureau exhibit, where fair-goers visit various stations to learn about agriculture. Included is another cow that can be "hand milked," which is furnished by Midwest Dairy Association.

  • The Kansas Dairy Commission offers a $1,000 scholarship in honor of Warren Winter.

    Qualifications for applying are:
    1) Applicant needs to be from a dairy farm in Kansas that participates in the KDC check-off program.
    2) Applicant needs to be attending or planning to attend a post-secondary college or university.

    This scholarship is a one-time award and is not renewable.

    Find more information and apply online. Applications are due March 7, 2025.